
Climbing Bornholm

Travel guide: Climbing holidays to Bornholm

About Laust HøjmarkLaust Højmark-Ross writes about his experiences from climbing on Bornholm over 15 years. In this article, you will be served his knowledge in a practical guide for how to plan your own climbing trip to Bornholm.

Denmark's climbing mecca on Bornholm is just 3 hours' journey from Zealand

More and more Danish climbers are turning to Bornholm when planning a climbing holiday. Bornholm's granite slopes are home to over 1000 climbing routes, including bouldering, sport climbing and traditional climbing. All this is just 3 hours away from Copenhagen by fast ferry from Ystad. This guide describes the most popular spots and how to find them.

Before you go out on the rocks and don't "just" boulder, it is a good idea to have taken a safety course and possibly an "inside to outside" course. It is always recommended to use a helmet, just as a harness, rope, climbing shoes and carabiners are a "must have" when you go to Bornholm. You cannot buy the equipment on the island, so the trip must be planned from home.

Before you leave, there are 3 questions that arise: What climbing equipment should be packed, how do I get there and where, and last but not least, where can I climb? The questions are answered below:

1: What climbing equipment should I pack for Bornholm?

As a starting point, the following packing list of equipment must be brought with you for sport climbing on Bornholm: 

  • A 60 meter rope is sufficient for the 90% of all routes (a 70 meter rope is required a few long routes)
  • Climbing harness
  • Climbing helmet
  • A rope brake + locking carabiner
  • Climbing shoes
  • Chalk bag
  • 10 – 12 express loops per rope lag (18 if you are going on the long routes)
  • A place, e.g. Petzl Adjust or alternatively a 120-cm sling.
    Two additional locking carabiners

Equipment rental

It is only possible to rent crash pads Egeløkke Nature Campground, everything else You must bring your own equipment.

2: How do you travel to and spend the night on Bornholm?

It is possible to drive your own car, travel by public transport, fly and cycle to Bornholm. Most climbers choose the public route on foot, as it is the cheapest.

Book the trip with The Kombardo Express from Copenhagen to Rønne (3 hour journey), an extra bus ticket onward to the whole of Bornholm can be purchased for only DKK 30 during the order.

On Bornholm, the buses run synchronously with the ferry, so you can jump straight on without waiting. Buy a ticket on the Rejseplanens App or at bat.dk.

On Bornholm it is obvious to set up camp Egeløkke Naturcamping, just a stone's throw from Moseløkken, the largest sport climbing area on the island. The prices are reasonable, DKK 30 per person per night and DKK 5 per minute hot shower.

Luxury stays can be had at the family-run Pension Lindesdal, which is known for their focus on climbers and mountain bikers and other outdoor enthusiasts. 

3: Where is the best place to rock climb on Bornholm?

Online driver: Rockclimbing.dk 

The official online guide to climbing on Bornholm. This is regularly updated with new routes and access conditions. You can also easily add new routes if you should have made a first ascent of a new route. The guide is free for everyone and supported by the Danish Climbing Association and the Danish Mountain and Climbing Club.

The most visited climbing sites on Bornholm:

Look more at www.rockclimbing.dk

Printed guide: Bornholm on the Rocks

Book: Bornholm on the Rocks

Bornholm on the Rocks is a printed guide in German and English. The guide covers Bornholm's 13 largest climbing areas and almost a thousand routes, so there's plenty to get you started! Through his thorough work, the author Karsten Kurtz has collected all relevant information and more. 

The book can be purchased for DKK 295 at Klatring Bornholm. Proceeds go towards establishing new sports routes on Bornholm. Call us at 93607119 if interested.

Logo climbing Bornholm

Experience rock climbing with a guide

Klatring Bornholm offers guided full or two-day tours climbing trips, in the company of local instructors and all equipment included. 

Read more here.


In your own car:
ferry Ystad – Rønne or Køge – Rønne
With bus:
Copenhagen. – Rønne
By train:
Copenhagen – Rønne:
Bus on Bornholm:

Bus Rønne – Allinge:


Egeløkke Nature Campground,
Moseløkkevej 5, 3770 Allinge
Public shelters
Pension Lindesdal

Social Media

Facebook, find a climbing partner here:
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